The Right Teeth Whitening Questions You Should Be Asking
Are you planning to have a teeth whitening procedure performed? Do you have any questions about the procedure that you need answered? Well, here are some of the teeth whitening questions you should be asking and the right answers to such questions.
1. Am I covered by insurance?
No. Dental insurance will not cover your teeth whitening procedure. That’s because teeth whitening is considered as a cosmetic dental procedure. It’s a pertinent question to ask to avoid any payment hassles once the procedure is completed.
2. Should I expect any risks after the teeth whitening procedure is completed?
Teeth whitening has 2 side effects that are temporary. These include mild irritation of the soft tissue of your mouth, especially the gums, and increased tooth sensitivity.
You should expect these side effects to disappear a few days after the treatment is completed. Here are some of the ways you can reduce tooth sensitivity if you experience it once the procedure is completed.
• You should wear the tray for a shorter period such as 2 half-hour sessions rather than an hour.
• Also, you should stop whitening your teeth for 2 to 3 days to allow them to adjust to the process.
• Ask your dentist to prescribe a product with high-fluoride content to remineralise your teeth. Make sure you apply this product to the tray and wear it about 4 minutes prior to or following the whitening agent.
• You should brush your teeth using toothpaste manufactured specifically for sensitive teeth. Most of these kinds of toothpaste have potassium nitrate which can soothe the nerve endings of your tooth.
3. Will my enamel be damaged after teeth whitening?
Most of the teeth whitening products contain 10% carbamide peroxide. Studies have revealed that the compound has no effect on the hardness or the mineral content of the enamel on your teeth.
4. Is there any damage to the existing dental restorations or the nerves on your teeth?
A lot of studies have been conducted to identify if teeth whitening causes damage to the nerves on your teeth. There is no evidence from these studies that provides proof of damage.
On the other hand, studies were also conducted to identify if there is any damage to the existing fillings, veneers, bridges, crowns and other dental restorations. Keep in mind that these restorations don’t lighten together with the rest of the teeth.
Therefore, you might be forced to replace any pre-existing dental work to match the new shade of your teeth.
5. How long does the teeth whitening effect last?
Once you have paid for your first teeth whitening procedure, you should know that it’s not permanent. If you expose your teeth to any beverages or foods that might stain them, this will result in your teeth fading within a month.
If you avoid this, you should be able to wait at least a year or more before you need another whitening procedure or touch-ups.
6. What can I do to maintain my bright smile after completing a whitening procedure?
• Make sure you don’t expose your teeth or consume products that might stain them. If you can’t avoid foods that may stain your teeth, you should use a tray so the liquid bypasses the front part of your teeth.
• You should follow proper hygiene practices. Make sure you brush your teeth at least 2 times every day and floss at least once every day to remove plaque.
Teeth whitening has become a very popular cosmetic dental procedure. Make sure you understand what you are getting yourself into by asking all the necessary questions before and after the procedure.
If you need to visit the dentist for advice on teeth whitening, or any type of dental procedure, then look no further than Gardens Dental.
Gardens Dental offers a full array of dental services in Taylors Lakes and Caroline Springs to help you and your family maintain healthy teeth.
To learn more about our services or make an appointment, please contact us today on (03) 9449 2626 or through our website.