Wisdom Tooth Extraction Teeth Become Misaligned

Can Wisdom Tooth Extraction Cause Teeth To Become Misaligned

When wisdom teeth start to come out, they put pressure on the other teeth in the mouth and may cause them to become misaligned. This pressure can result in teeth overlapping or mild to extreme discomfort.

However, can extracting wisdom teeth result in teeth becoming misaligned?

The quick answer is no – wisdom tooth extraction cannot cause teeth to become misaligned. However, there are a number of reasons why this misconception exists:

  • After extraction, more room is created in the mouth, creating the feeling that teeth are shifting.
  • The reduced pressure on the teeth can also result in the impression that teeth have moved.
  • Teeth may shift slightly to correct overlapping or misalignment after wisdom tooth extraction.

There are also a number of ways in which teeth can shift in the mouth:

1. Gaps And Spaces

Once more room is created in the mouth after a wisdom tooth has been removed, the teeth may move slightly because they are no longer under any pressure. However, the teeth should not move to the extent that gaps or spaces appear between the teeth.

The teeth should only shift to the position that they were in before the pressure of the wisdom teeth caused them to cram too close together. In some cases, this can give the impression that a space has been created where food can become trapped.

However, it is more than likely that this space existed before the wisdom teeth were added to the equation or removed.

2. Overbite And Underbite

When the top front teeth protrude over the bottom teeth, it is referred to as an overbite or an overjet that results in the teeth protruding horizontally. An underbite is where the bottom teeth protrude over the top teeth.

These types of misalignment can cause difficulty with biting and may result in other problems with chewing or the jaw.

However, these problems are normally caused by a misalignment of the jaw and the extraction of wisdom teeth cannot result in either an over or underbite forming.

3. Crossbite

A crossbite is where the teeth are either misaligned to the left or the right of the mouth causing them not to line up correctly when chewing.

Once again, this is normally the result of a problem with the alignment of the jaw and cannot be caused by a wisdom tooth or other type of tooth extraction.

However, the slight shift in teeth after an extraction can result in some teeth not aligning the way they did in the past causing grinding or clicking together when talking or eating.

This gives the sensation that a crossbite may have occurred but the teeth will become accustomed to the new availability of space and the sensation should pass.

4. Openbite

An openbite happens when there is a gap or space between the top and bottom teeth preventing the teeth from meeting or overlapping when the mouth is closed.

This type of misalignment cannot be caused by a wisdom tooth extraction even when all 4 wisdom teeth are being removed.

5. Impacted Teeth

This most commonly occurs with wisdom teeth and happens when the teeth fail to break through the gum line.

This most commonly occurs because there is a lack of space in the mouth and the tooth can put pressure on the other teeth, especially those surrounding the impacted tooth, causing them to overlap or protrude at an angle.

Often, this type of misalignment is corrected when the impacted wisdom tooth has been removed resulting in a slight shift of the teeth.

If there is any concern that teeth may have shifted after wisdom teeth extractions, consult with a dental practitioner as soon as possible.

Are you searching for a reliable dental clinic in Taylors Lakes Australia for a dental implant procedure? If so, then look no further than Gardens Dental.

Gardens Dental offers a full array of dental services in Taylors Lakes and Caroline Springs to help you and your family maintain healthy teeth. 

To learn more about our services or make an appointment, please contact us today on (03) 9449 2626 or through our website

Necessary Extract Wisdom Teeth

Is It Really Necessary To Extract A Wisdom Tooth?

Did you know that wisdom teeth can erupt even in early adulthood? Many people think the teeth they see when they move into their late teen years are the only teeth they’ll ever get. Please read on to learn more.

Wisdom teeth can break through at any point in time during your adult life. That’s why you need to know more about your wisdom teeth. When you know how the wisdom teeth behave, it’s easier to deal with whatever problem arises because of wisdom teeth.

You might be wondering whether you always have to extract a wisdom tooth. Let’s take a look at the following considerations in this article:

  • Does every person have wisdom teeth?
  • What happens when a wisdom tooth is impacted?
  • How to know if there is a problem with the wisdom teeth?
  • Is it necessary to extract a wisdom tooth?

Does Every Person Have Wisdom Teeth?

Not every person has wisdom teeth. Most people have four wisdom teeth. These teeth will appear from late adolescence to mid-twenties. They are the “third molars” and the last of the teeth to come through.

Some people will have three wisdom teeth while some will have two or one. Some others will have none. The number of wisdom teeth one has is never going to be an issue. However, people can have difficulty when wisdom teeth are coming through.

What Happens When A Wisdom Tooth Is Impacted?

Wisdom teeth are buried completely or partially in the jawbone or soft tissues. They are more susceptible to oral diseases and other problems. That’s why it’s common for most people to have impacted wisdom teeth.

Impacted wisdom teeth can’t be cleaned properly and can result in decay and gum disease. Cysts and tumours also can develop around the impacted wisdom teeth at times.

Your dentist will evaluate the impacted teeth from time to time to see if it needs to be extracted.

If a wisdom tooth is 100% impacted in the jawbone and it doesn’t come through, as usual, your dentist will recommend wisdom tooth extraction to prevent future problems.

How To Know If There Is A Problem With The Wisdom Teeth?

Pain in the jaw – upper or lower – is the first symptom of a wisdom tooth problem. You may feel some pressure at the back of the mouth.

The gum tissue around the erupting tooth can become swollen, inflamed, and sensitive. However, some people may not feel any pain at all.

Not having any pain doesn’t mean there isn’t a problem. That’s why you need to get your wisdom teeth examined by a qualified dentist from time to time to see if extraction is needed.

Is It Necessary To Extract A Wisdom Tooth?

If one or more of your wisdom teeth is impacted, you should consider extracting it for the safety of your oral health. When a wisdom tooth becomes impacted, it will prevent adequate oral hygiene.

A tooth that has erupted in an upright and functional position doesn’t need to be extracted – as long as such a tooth doesn’t cause any pain and isn’t associated with decay or gum disease.

Because wisdom teeth are located so far back in your mouth, they are much more difficult to clean which is a major contributing factor towards wisdom teeth issues.

Even a healthy wisdom tooth can begin to cause problems in the long run. That’s why you need to keep the wisdom teeth clean by brushing and flossing them well. See your dentist regularly to evaluate the wisdom teeth and see if they have to be extracted or not.

If you need to visit a dentist for wisdom tooth extraction, or any type of dental procedure, then look no further than Gardens Dental.

Gardens Dental offers a full array of dental services in Taylors Lakes and Caroline Springs to help you and your family maintain healthy teeth. 

To learn more about our services or make an appointment, please contact us today on (03) 9449 2626 or through our website

Emergency Dentistry How Does It Work

What Is Emergency Dentistry and How Does It Work?

Have you ever needed emergency dental treatment? Depending on the nature of the issue, you probably experienced extreme pain and went through a lot of inconvenience in the process. Let’s take a look in more detail at what you need to do if a dental emergency arises.

Accidents happen all the time. We could even say that they are part and parcel of life. Many people find themselves in situations where their teeth or oral cavity have been injured in one way or the other.

You may have had an accident riding your bike or, you could be a victim of a physical altercation that resulted in some of your teeth being displaced. These scenarios can be described as a dental emergency that needs urgent medical care and attention.

Emergency Dentistry

Most people visit their dentists for regular checkups or scheduled treatments and procedures. However, there are people who visit their dentists without planning it. Unexpected visits to the dentist are quite normal.

When you experience extreme pain in your mouth, excessive bleeding from your gums, a displaced tooth that is stuck in your gums or a tooth that has been accidentally knocked out, it’s crucial that you see your dentist right away regardless of the time of day.

Dental emergencies are very serious and should never be taken lightly. Emergency dentistry is a special service offered by professional dentists that aims to address dental emergencies that occur without any notice or warning.

What Is A Dental Emergency?

Dental emergencies vary depending on the person and the severity of the case. Something as simple as a chipped tooth could constitute a dental emergency to someone who really values their facial appearance.

However, if a dental issue is not causing you any pain or discomfort, there’s no need to seek emergency dentistry services.

You would typically seek emergency dentistry services if you have sustained a serious injury to your face or mouth that needs urgent medical attention.

You can always call your dentist and explain your situation so you can determine whether your case is truly a dental emergency or not. Your dentist should arrange to see you as soon as possible if you need urgent care.


Excessive or severe bleeding of the gums may warrant emergency dental care. Patients who may have sustained cuts in their mouths from eating certain foods or being involved in an accident need to visit an emergency dentist as soon as possible.

If both the teeth and gums are affected, a dentist can help to stop the bleeding before other steps can be taken. People who suffer from gingivitis may experience symptoms such as severe bleeding of gums and pain.

These symptoms should be addressed as soon as possible if they get out of control.

Extreme Pain

Cavities are the main cause of extreme pain in the mouth. You may experience a sudden sharp pain in your mouth when eating certain foods or drinks. The pain is a sign that your teeth roots are exposed and vulnerable to infections.

You should seek emergency dentistry services right away to avoid further complications.

Knocked-Out and Displaced Teeth

If you have had a tooth or teeth completely knocked-out or displaced,  you must be looked at by a dentist right away. For the case of knocked out teeth, you need to clean the tooth right away and schedule a dental appointment ASAP.

Make sure to keep the tooth in its pristine if you want your dentist to reattach it. In case one or several teeth have been displaced within your gums, they must be repositioned right away.

Cases of displaced teeth are usually very serious and patients are urged to seek help emergency dental care asap.

It’s good to note that most dental emergency cases occur at night. You should call your dentist to confirm whether they offer emergency dentistry services before seeking their help.

If you need to visit a dentist for emergency treatment or any type of dental procedure, then look no further than Gardens Dental.

Gardens Dental offers a full array of dental services in Taylors Lakes and Caroline Springs to help you and your family maintain healthy teeth. 

To learn more about our services or make an appointment, please contact us today on (03) 9449 2626 or through our website

wisdom tooth extraction

What To Expect Before, During And After Wisdom Tooth Extraction

What happens when you get a wisdom tooth extracted? What can you expect after such a serious procedure? Let’s take a look in more detail below.

Wisdom teeth normally appear between the ages of 17 and 25, a period that is known as attaining ‘the age of wisdom’ – although they have nothing to do with providing wisdom.

Your local dentist may be the first to break the news during a routine inspection that a wisdom tooth is starting to breakthrough.

Not everyone develops this third set of molars but the average person normally produces four wisdom teeth and according to statistics at least 90% experience one or more impactions.

Impacted wisdom teeth occur when there is not enough space for the tooth to break through the gum causing pain, extreme discomfort, and other dental health risks. The worst thing a person can do is to ignore them.

Do Wisdom Teeth Have a Purpose?

Humans from prehistoric times had stronger, larger jaws and a third set of molars to help them chew through raw meat and tough plant matter.

They also tended to lose their teeth so a third set of molars developed at around 6 years of age ensuring that there was enough room for a second set to grow at age 12.

Fast forward through evolution to today and we find that the modern jaw size now has less space for wisdom teeth to erupt and they have a less functional purpose.

When to Have a Wisdom Tooth Extracted?

One of the main reasons for wisdom tooth extraction is when the tooth has become impacted or has erupted abnormally. The first symptoms are swelling, pain, and limited jaw mobility.

However, most people don’t experience any symptoms but it can still be problematic as wisdom teeth that do not grow in alignment with the rest of the teeth will not only cause tooth and gum problems but can also affect overall health.

Impacted teeth can lead to cysts, infection, and, most importantly, damage to adjacent teeth and proper jaw alignment.

If a wisdom tooth has room to erupt and is disease-free, it may be okay to leave it alone providing regular check-ups are carried out to track if there is any movement that will affect teeth alignment and there is no sign of disease.

The best age to remove wisdom teeth is during the teenage years as they present the least complications while the roots are not yet fully developed. As teeth continue to grow the roots become more established and reposition themselves.

As we get older extraction and related risks like injuring a nerve increases and after the age of thirty to forty and the recovery period tends to get longer.

What to Expect Before, During and After Wisdom Tooth Extraction


It all starts with a proper examination that includes an X-ray to determine how the tooth is positioned and what procedure needs to be followed.

If it is a straightforward procedure the extraction will be carried out by an oral surgeon or you will be referred to a specialist if there is a risk of complications.


A form of numbing medication will be applied depending on how difficult the procedure will be and also how nervous you are.

Depending on the type of anaesthesia you may be asked to avoid food and drink for a number of hours before surgery. Sedation includes:

  • Local anaesthesia where you will stay awake and feel a certain amount of pressure but no pain
  • Sedation where you will still be awake but experience lessened consciousness so that you won’t remember much
  • General anaesthesia where you will be completely knocked out.


The surgeon will make use of special instruments to disconnect the surrounding tissue before removing the tooth. Gauze plugs will be applied to promote blood clotting and help the wound heal faster. If necessary the surgeon will stitch the site up.


After the procedure, you will be encouraged to take things easy for a while to allow yourself to heal. Depending on the type of sedation, you may feel a little groggy and need someone to take you home.

You will experience swelling and pain after the procedure and the surgeon will prescribe pain medication.

Your level of pain and discomfort will depend on how many teeth you had removed, whether they were impacted or not, and your personal sensitivity to pain.

Home Care

Barring complications, the pain will get better after a day or two. Ice packs can be applied to help relieve swelling and pain and to reduce the risk of bruising. You may be cautioned to eat only soft foods for a period of time.


Dry socket is one of the most common complications of wisdom tooth extraction and it is vitally important to follow post-procedure instructions carefully to avoid the excruciating pain from this condition.

You should stay hydrated and using a straw for a week or so may be recommended. However, using a straw for a long period of time may cause ‘dry socket’ to develop which is a very painful condition.

Dryness can cause the clot that formed over the extraction area to become dislodged, exposing nerves and bare bone, so can cleaning your mouth too forcefully or too soon after surgery.

In some cases removing wisdom teeth is essential; however, it is highly recommended to have them removed when you are younger rather than waiting until problems occur. The older the tooth the more difficult it becomes to remove.

Talk to your dentist if you are not sure whether you should have your wisdom teeth removed and why.

If you need to visit the dentist for advice on your wisdom teeth, or any type of dental procedure, then look no further than Gardens Dental.

Gardens Dental offers a full array of dental services in Taylors Lakes and Caroline Springs to help you and your family maintain healthy teeth. 

To learn more about our services or make an appointment, please contact us today on (03) 9449 2626 or through our website